《The Sinking Thoughts of You》

 2 mins |  4K &DCP , 24fps, stereo 

製作 Production | 白柳感官 Studio Salix White

導演 Director | 張簡長倫 Robert Chang Chien
製片Producer | 留榮鋒 Luke Liu, 賴震軒 Xiom Lai

演員 Actress | 那祈 Elena, Jenny Chiu
文字/聲音 Words & Voice | Jenny Chiu

攝影 D.P. | 留榮鋒 Luke Liu
空拍攝影 Drone Pilot | 張簡長倫 Robert Chang Chien
攝助 Camera Assistant | 賴賴 LaiLai
剪輯/調色 Editer & Colourist | 張簡長倫 Robert Chang Chien
成音 Sound Editer | 張簡長倫 Robert Chang Chien

特別感謝 Special Thanks |
張子涵 Chi Chi, 卯田影像 M.T. Image
拍攝於台灣與冰島 Filmed in Taiwan and Iceland


盯著它慢慢沉沒,是ㄧ種 溫柔的痛,緩慢的、陣陣的刺痛我。直到,我盯著它盯到視覺麻痹,分不清是痛楚還是疲累的時候,船已經完全沒入海中。然後久了,不痛了。
」- Jenny Chiu

花蓮的海浪、風、雲、氣味、公路、懸崖、隧道、夜晚,青春歲月的足跡 ,透過旅美藝術家Jenny以半日誌、半散文的感性文字描繪一段關係,張簡長倫Robert 導演揉捏記憶、夢境與現實,以聽覺與視覺符號譜成一部影像之詩,搭配台灣新銳演員那祈Elena精湛的表演、旅美攝影師留榮鋒Luke的鏡頭語彙,此次短片創作因而誕生。

A short film inspired by the landscape of Hualian, Taiwan, and most importantly, the following words written by Jenny Chiu.

"I will gradually forget you. Like the silence of a ship. The portion of the ship above the sea's surface, if it remains significant, signifies that I still miss you deeply. But it, ultimately, slowly sinks into the sea.

Staring at its gradual descent is a gentle pain, a slow, intermittent stab. Until I gaze at it until my vision numbs, unable to distinguish whether it's pain or weariness, the ship has completely submerged into the sea. And then, after a while, it doesn't hurt anymore.

Every few years, I'll think of it again. Each time, it feels like a warm landscape imprinted on my heart; like an explorer discovering a decaying ship at the bottom of the sea, still holding shimmering treasures, astonishing.

If, years later, we meet again, I might not be as passionately eager towards you as in my youth because I've become the aged Rose. I will smile at you, then calmly chat, discussing the stories we once shared." - Jenny Chiu

©2023 Studio Salix White